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Bulldog is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world originating from England, it is often known as English Bulldog. At first this dog is kept as a dog / fighter with wild cows / bull, so Bulldog is an aggressive and tough dog. Rumah Peliharaan

Around 1835, dog battles were forbidden by the laws of England, so the Bulldog was nurtured and bred for different purposes, the Companion Dog. Gradually the Bulldog was bred into a good human companion dog, including with the children. Anatomy also changes from a dog that is high enough to be a short and funny dog ​​and snub nosed.

Currently Bulldog is known as a good friend's dog, not aggressive though looks creepy. Bulldog suitable kept in the house as a loyal and good family dog.

But the symbol as a tough and brave dog remains attached to the Bulldog. Bulldog is widely used as a symbol of courage and resilience in the national army and national dog pride.

Maintaining a Bulldog is not difficult, just like any other race dog. Fur treatments, similar to other short-fur dogs, in only a few folds of skin (face and tail) need to be cleaned frequently with cotton:

Feather is enough on lap with water mixed with dettol liquid.
Bulldog skin is not sensitive / not prone to skin diseases originally cleaned regularly.
Bathed just 1-2 weeks
Another thing to consider in the maintenance is Bulldog dog snub-nosed so that his breath is relatively short and can not stand the heat (do not dried in broad daylight).
However, Bulldog can be maintained at home or enclosed (roofed) without having to use air conditioner although in Jakarta or other cities are quite hot, there is important roof and adequate air circulation.
Regarding breeding is relatively more difficult than other race dogs. For marrying usually use artificial insemination, because of short Bulldog breath and unique anatomy making it difficult to mate naturally.

At the time of delivery is usually 90% in Caesarean section, due to a unique anatomy (head and chest width) and shortness of breath, so that the child is difficult to get out.

Overview of Bulldog Standard is good
A good bulldog is medium size, body compact (solid and stocky), wide and short muzzle, broad chest, sturdy legs. Generally showing strength and bravery and balance between head, body and leg size the important one.

Male approximately 30 kg and female approximately 25 kg.

Skull is flat (flat), and wide.
The ear is shaped like a rose ear that is folded inward, but is open, does not close (fall) or stand (erect).
The muzzle is wide and short, the lower jaw is wider and more advanced than the upper jaw (undershot) but bends upward (turn up) so that 2 lower canines are not visible when the mouth is closed.
Black nose and large hole.
The eyes are slightly oval and dark in color.
Neck, back, and body
Neck, short and thick / stocky
Top line (back) slightly menungging in the back (hips higher than the middle back). This is because the back foot is higher than the front foot.
Body, solid, stocky and wide at the front then shrink the stomach and widen slightly dipinggul.
Body viewed from above like a pear.
Chest width, wider than hip.
The tail is short and pointed down, the best straight, circular but unfavorable.
Front legs
Stump, relatively short and stretched wide (corresponding to the width of the chest), slightly outward, straight down, not bent bones.

Rear legs
Stocky, longer than the front foot
Stretched narrower than the forelegs (according to the hips)
There is a slight bend in the legs (hock) between the upper leg and lower leg.
The lower leg segment is shorter than the top.
Feather and color
Feathers are straight and short
Various colors: Brindle, white, fawn, brown and color combination with white. Large black (plain) color is very unpopular, though very rare.
Gait (Street / movement)
The road (rear leg) swings forward side (side wise motion) but must be smooth. The front leg swings straight ahead.

Brave but not aggressive, perfect as a family dog ​​kept in the house.

Brown / red nose should not be.


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