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Golden Retriever

Golden Retrievers are Dog breeds that were originally bred as hunting dogs to pick up hunted birds. This breed dog is a type of retriever who finds or collects waterfowl or wild birds for hunters. Their feathers are golden (golden) in the sun so it is called the Golden Retriever. Rumah Peliharaan

They are bred as dogs that intuitively love the water. While taking game animals, they do not bite roughly. The hunted birds are given to the hunter in an intact and undamaged state.

Intelligence and versatility make the Golden Retriever a versatile dog. Among these, they are employed as drug tracers, rescue dogs (Search and Rescue), hunting dogs, and guide dogs. Its friendly, patient, and always eager to please its owner, making Golden Retriever one of the most popular family dogs in the world (according to dog registration statistics).

Standard English
A number of variations of appearances are commonly encountered in the British / Australian standard Golden Retrievers in Europe and Australia, and American-American Golden Retrievers. The difference is also reflected in the standard breeds for Golden Retrievers. The British Standard is bony bigger, the body is shorter, the head is more square, and the muzzle is generally a little to big. The male height measured to the upper end of the shoulder bone should be between 56 cm and 61 cm, while the female is slightly shorter, between 51 and 56 cm. Nevertheless, the British standard does not mention weight. Compared to British descent, in the American-American Golden Retriver, the two eyes are slightly apart apart, and can be somewhat narrow and triangular. Golden Retriever from breeding in the UK can be golden (orange) or cream in various shades of color, as long as it is not red or mahogany. Initially, the cream-colored Golden Retrievers could not be recognized by British standards. The standard was revised in 1936 to recognize the color of beige. Not recognizing the cream color is a mistake. The "yellow" color retriever of the 19th century, its color is even younger than the current standard. Just as in the United States, white Golden Retrievers can not be included in dog contests. The Kennel Club United Kingdom Standard is used in all countries except in the United States and Canada.

American Standards
Compared to the British type, American-type Golden Retriever is shorter and thinner. The male height is measured up to the upper end of the shoulder bone between 58 cm and 61 cm, while the female is between 55 cm and 57 cm. Male weight between 27.2 kg to 36.3 kg, while the weight of female is 24.94 kg up to 36.28 kg. Golden Retriever feathers have a variety of golden colors, grow thick and oily so antiair. Compared to the feathers in other parts, colored fringe is younger. The running style should be free, smooth, powerful, and the coordination of the four legs must be good. American-type Golden Retrievers were imported from Scotland in the late 19th century, resulting from the now extinct Tweed Water Spaniel tracking and red wavy Retrievers.

Feather color
Golden Retrievers can be very different colors, the composition of feathers very tight and waterproof, can be straight or somewhat choppy. Feathers usually fall back to the body. The American Kennel Club (AKC) standard states that "dense, golden shiny in various shades", and does not recognize very bright or very dark feathers. Therefore, "clean white" and "red" are not recognized colors. Standard The Kennel Club UK also allows creamy coat. The dog contest jury can also exclude Golden Retrievers with a pink nose, or a less pigmented nose. Mahogany colors called "redheads" are also recognized, although not recognized in dog contests. As the ages grow, the color of the feathers can get older or brighter, plus the tufts of hair around the muzzle are getting white. The color of the Golden Retriever's fur is usually brighter than an adult dog. Darker colors on the tip of the ear indicate the color of feathers that may become darker as adults. Golden Retriever feathers also should not be too long, because it makes them difficult when taking game.


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